Chickens are fantastic additions to the homestead - be it large or small. They are great bug control, composters and friends. I started my chicken adventures when I lived in a subdivision. They were something I had always wanted. Don't really know why, but I did.
We started our flock in a "secret" spot in the yard. Where I lived, we weren't supposed to have chickens. Yes, yes, I know. But, the neighbors were fascinated with them. They loved the idea of having chickens - and the occasional dozen eggs they got was an added bonus.
When I moved out (due to a divorce), one of my main sticking points on where I was going to live was - can I have my cat AND chickens? I found a place and built a new pen. Then, when I met my new hubby, I asked the same questions - Cat AND chickens? He had no experience with chickens, but happily said yes. (He loves me!) So, up went another pen/coop. Then.....we purchased the 4 acres where we are now and this time, we knew we could have chickens. Hubby designed and built a great coop and pen for them. While I cannot say he has the same enthusiasm for them I do, he is absolutely supportive. He also keeps me on the straight and narrow with our numbers. (I could easily be the Crazy Chicken Lady.)
Currently, we have 3 pets (Otter, Pugly and Poof), 13 Golden Comets, 7 Australorps, 1 Cuckoo Marans, 7 unknown, and 2 Americaunas. Eventually, we will switch the flock over to all Australorps.
I did my research and found that the Australorps are the best HERITAGE BREED for meat and eggs. They are the best consistent egg layers of the heritage breeds.
Frosty (Americauna) and Mr Chicken (Dinner!) |
Rachel says - "Chicks are FUN!!" |
Pugly - Bantam ShowGirl (Naked Neck Silkie) |
Adonis and her egg |
Little Man (Freedom Ranger) |
Pretty Lady (Cuckoo Marans) |
Otter doing what Otter does best (Mixed - Polish and Silkie) |
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